Trading up : why consumers want new luxury goods and how companies create them / Michael J. Silverstein and Neil Fiske


Silverstein, Michael J.. Auteur | Fiske, Neil. Auteur | Butman, John. Collaborateur

Edited by Portfolio - 2005

Preface / by Leslie Wexner. Trading up to new luxury : an overview. The spenders and their needs : sociodemographics, emotional drivers. The creators and their goods : definitions, forces, practices. Inside the new American home : retailers, appliance innovators. Eating as an emotional experience : Panera, The Cheesecake Factory, Trader Joe's. Awakening the American palate to wine : Kendall-Jackson. The world is a sexy place : Victoria's Secret. The old world in new luxury bottles : Belvedere, Boston Beer. Demonstrably superior and pleasingly different : Callaway. Only the best for members of the family : American Girl, pet food. A cautionary tale of an old luxury brand : Cadillac. The opportunity : growth areas, a work plan. A call to action.

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