Management across cultures : challenges and strategies / Richard M. Steers, Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, Luciara Nardon


Steers, Richard M.. Auteur

Edited by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, New York - 2010

Management practices and processes frequently differ across national and regional boundaries. What may be acceptable managerial behaviour in one culture may be counterproductive or even unacceptable in another. As managers increasingly find themselves working across cultures, the need to understand these differences has become increasingly important. This book examines why these differences exist and how global managers can develop strategies and tactics to deal with them. The book draws on recent research in anthropology, psychology, and management to explain the cultural and psychological underpinnings that shape managerial attitudes and behaviours. It introduces a learning model to guide in the intellectual and practical development of managers seeking enhanced global expertise. It also offers user friendly conceptual models to guide understanding and exploration of topics, and summarizes and integrates the lessons learned in each chapter in applications oriented "Manager's Notebooks

Global realities and management challenges. Developing global management skills. Culture, values, and worldviews. Inside the managerial mind: culture, cognition, and action. Inside the organizational mind: stakeholders, strategies, and decision making. Organizing frameworks: a comparative assessment. Communication across cultures. Leadership and global teams. Culture, work, and motivation. Negotiation and global partnerships. Managing in an imperfect world. Epilogue: the journey continues. App. A. Models of national cultures. App. B. OECD guidelines for global managers.

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