Landmark negociations from around the world : lessons for modern diplomacy / edited by Emmanuel Vivet


Vivet, Emmanuel. Auteur

Edited by Chicago ; Intersentia - 2019

La 4e de couverture indique : "History is a source of education and insight for modern diplomacy. Through time, this book analyses 30 famous negotiations from around the World: from Roman Republic peace talks to the Philadelphia Convention, the Congress of Vienna and the first UK embassy in China, through two World Wars, as well as more recent examples such as the Iran Security Council resolutions and the Trump negotiations in Korea, just to name a few. Landmark Negotiations from Around the World brings together the subject areas of history and negotiation studies. It focuses on their overlap and analyses past and present negotiations, applying the latest concepts of negotiation studies: a summary of each negotiation focusing on the chain of events is followed by a critical analysis cross-referencing the facts to modern negotiation theory concepts. In this way, each chapter provides answers to key questions such as: what made a successful negotiation possible? Why did a given failure occur? It helps us to identify and to qualify the good moves, the brilliant ideas, the unexpected coalitions and the uneasy situations that made a negotiation either a success or a failure. A handpicked team of authors consisting of historians, diplomats and scholars, all specialising in international negotiation, provide unique insights, as well as entertaining and lively stories past and present, preparing us for the future. A book of interest to anyone who revels in acting on the international stage."

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