Arguing about disability : philosophical perspectives / edited by Kristjana Kristiansen, Simo Vehmas and Tom Shakespeare


Edited by Routledge - 2009

Disability is a thorny and muddled concept - especially in the field of disability studies - and social accounts contest with more traditional biologically based approaches in highly politicized debates. Sustained theoretical scrutiny has sometimes been lost amongst the controversy and philosophical issues have often been overlooked in favour of the sociological. "Arguing about Disability" fills that gap by offering analysis and debate concerning the moral nature of institutions, policy and practice, and their significance for disabled people and society. This pioneering collection is divided into three sections covering definitions and theories of disability; disabled people in society and applied ethics. Each contributor - drawn from a wide range of academic backgrounds including disability studies, sociology, psychology, education, philosophy, law and health science - uses a philosophical framework to explore a central issue in disability studies. The issues discussed include personhood, disability as a phenomenon, social justice, discrimination and inclusion. Providing an overview of the intersection of disability studies and philosophical ethics, "Arguing about Disability" is a truly interdisciplinary undertaking. It will be invaluable for all academics and students with an interest in disability studies or applied ethics, as well as disability activists

Social justice and disability : competing interpretations of the medical and social models / Steven R. Smith. Definitions of disability : ethical and other values / Steven D. Edwards. The ontology of disability and impairment : a discussion of the natural and social features / Simo Vehmas and Pekka Makela. Disability and the thinking body / Jackie Leach Scully. Personhood and the social inclusion of people with disabilities : a recognition-theoretical approach / Heikki Ikaheimo. Disability and freedom / Richard Hull. Disability, non-talent and distributive justice / Jerome E. Bickenbach. Gender, disability and personal identity : moral and political problems in community thinking / Tuija Takala. Cochlear implants, linguistic rights and open future arguments / Patrick Kermit. The moral contestedness of selecting deaf embryos / Matti Hayry. The role of medical experts in shaping disability law / Lindsey Brown. Prenatal screening for Down syndrome : why we shouldn't / Berge Solberg. Biopolitics and bare life : does the impaired body provide contemporary examples of homo sacer / Donna Reeve.

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