Sustainable marketing planning / Neil Richardson


Richardson, Neil (1963-....). Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2020

"There are two major parallel challenges facing managers and leaders: first, how to adapt to global changes in markets, competition and supply, and second, how to grow a business whilst observing recognisably sustainable practices. Companies must now align their values with customers who increasingly seek products and services that are people- and planet-friendly. Using sustainable marketing techniques to create value ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction, better professional relationships and increased effectiveness. With Marketing Planning absent from the current textbook offering, this book provides practical insights, tools and frameworks to help readers produce tactically and strategically appropriate marketing plans. Showing how to embed sustainability in these strategies and reflecting on the historical and current criticisms aimed at marketing, students will be shown 'How' to implement whilst being encouraged to reflect on 'Why'. Full of tools and frameworks to improve comprehension, including chapter-by-chapter learning outcomes, summaries, exercises, applied activities and mini case studies, it bridges the gap between theory and practice effectively and accessibly. Finally, PowerPoint lecture slides and MCQ sections are provided for each chapter as electronic resources. Reflecting on contemporary themes and challenges at the cutting edge of business research and practice, this book should be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Sustainable Marketing, Marketing Planning and Marketing Strategy, as well as professionals seeking to improve the competitive advantage of their organisations"--

1. Why sustainable marketing?. 2. The marketing mix. 3. Sustainable marketing planning. 4. Marketing themes in the 21st century.

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