Reflections on medical ethics : a search for categories of medical ethics / Jean-Pierre Cléro


Cléro, Jean-Pierre (1946-....) - philosophe. Auteur

Edited by Springer - 2021

Of ethics as diplomacy -- Ethics of risk taking in psychiatry the game of risk and probability -- Ethics and the notion of potentiality -- Blood - one of the most overlooked issues in ethics of care -- Imaginary, myth and concept in medical ethics -- Medicine, apparatuses, robots and intimacy: a few ethical and political aspects of the linkage with machines -- Conclusion: Is meeting a reality or a fiction? - a few epistemological reflections on the possibility of constituting a concept of meeting
This book questions the notions of person, personality, dignity, and other connected notions such as (informed) consent, and discusses new perspectives on categories that allow ethical debates in medicine to overcome morals and ordinary religious schemes. The book states that one has to be careful when thinking about situations in terms of notions and principles that have been obtained in similar situations. Though this book is mostly philosophical, it is also of great practical interest to healthcare givers. It warns caregivers not to rely too much on notions such as person, autonomy, and consent, which are supposedly firm but can be proven to be unreliable in spite of appearances. Furthermore, this work warns against a narrow anthropologisation of ethics which would make technophobian positions unavoidable. On the contrary, this book is open to robotics and offers - among other things - a sustained exploration of the notion of intimacy

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