Multinational business finance / David K. Eiteman,... Arthur I. Stonehill,... Michael H. Moffett,...


Eiteman, David K. (1930-....). Auteur | Stonehill, Arthur I. (1931-....). Auteur | Moffett, Michael H.. Auteur

Edited by Pearson - 2021

Multinational Business Finance is a groundbreaking text in the field of global business. Using globalization as a unifying thread, this text marries a structured presentation of concepts to a friendly writing style in order to illustrate a firm's journey from a domestic orientation to a multinational one. In This Edition : - New material: New content on digital trade across the text explores how digital platforms have revolutionized global business and finance. - Expanded coverage of core concepts: Topics include the Impossible Trinity, translation exposure expansion, financing foreign subsidiaries, and financial losses associated with political risk, among others. - Updated running case: Aidan Corporation, a hypothetical Ireland-based firm, provides a cohesive framework for the globalization process, which is reinforced in several end-of-chapter problems. - New mini cases: Exploring current debates between corporate social responsibility and social policy, these cases now include topics like Apple's global tax structure, Brexit and its potential impact on Rolls-Royce, and Volkswagen's governance structure, among others. - Expanded quantitative problems: More than 250 end-of-chapter problems, based on real-world applications and solved within Excel, push strudents to improve their comprehension and analysis.

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