Textbook on international law / Martin Dixon,...


Dixon, Martin - juriste. Auteur

Edited by Oxford University Press. Oxford - 2013

La 4e de couverture indique : "Dixon's popular Textbook on International Law offers a concise and focused introduction to international law, with coverage of all the core topics, from the nature and sources of international law to the use of force and human rights. To appreciate how international law can help make the world work, and begin to understand how it can help resolve the critical questions facing international society, you need an understanding of the fundamental precepts of the subject. This textbook is designed to give you that grounding and equip you with the basic tools for an analysis of any problem involving international law. Detailed yet accessible, the author brings clarity to this complex area of law, guiding you through the legal principles and areas of controversy with thought-provoking topical examples which bring the subject to life."

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