Typographic design : form and communication / Rob Carter, Ben Day, Philip Meggs


Carter, Rob. Auteur

Edited by John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, N.J. - 2007

"Typographic design has been a field in constant motion since Gutenberg first invented movable type. Staying abreast of recent developments in the field is imperative for both design professionals and students. Thoroughly updated to maintain its relevancy in today's digital world, Typographic Design: Form and Communication, Fourth Edition continues to provide a compre-hensive overview of every aspect of designing with type, now in full color. This Fourth Edition of the bestselling text in the field offers detailed coverage of such essential topics as the anatomy of letters and type families, visual communications and design aesthetics, and designing for legibility. Supplementing these essential topics are theoret-ical and structural problem-solving approaches by some of the leading design educators across the United States. Unwrapping the underlying concepts about typographic form and message, Typographic Design, Fourth Edition includes four pictorial timelines that illustrate the evolution of typography and writing within the context of world events - from the origins of writing more than 5,000 years ago to contemporary Web site and electronic page design." - producer description
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Introduction.. 1. The Evolution of Typography.. 2. The Anatomy of Typography.. 3. Syntax and Communication.. 4. Legibility.. 5. the Typographic Grid.. 6. The Typographic Message.. 7. Typographic Technology.. 8. Case Studies in typographic Design.. 9. Typographic design Education.. 10. Typographic Design Process.. 11. Type Specimens.

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