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Du même auteur

La consommation des Français. 2, Transports, loisirs, santé / Nicolas Herpi...

Livre | Herpin, Nicolas (1942-....) - sociologue. Auteur | 1988 - Nouvelle édition

Consommation et modes de vie en France : une approche économique et sociolo...

Livre | Herpin, Nicolas (1942-....) - sociologue. Auteur | 2008 - [Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue]

Du même sujet

In pursuit of the quality of life

Livre | 1996

The moral Rubicon : a study of the principles of sanctity of life and quali...

Livre | Carlberg, Axel. Auteur | 1998

Quality of life, health and happiness / Lennart Nordenfelt,...

Livre | Nordenfelt, Lennart (1945-....). Auteur | 1993

pt. I. On quality of life and happiness. 1. Towards a characterisation of the area. 2. Two classic theories of happiness. 3. The framework for quality of life: Human welfare. 4. Towards an analysis of the notion of happiness. pt. ...

Quality of life and human difference : genetic testing, health care, and di...

Livre | 2005

Extrait de la jaquette : "This volume brings together two important literatures for the first time. One concerns the role of quality-of-life assessments in social policy, and especially in health policy. The second concerns ethica...

Special care : medical decisions at the beginning of life / Fred M. Frohock

Livre | Frohock, Fred M.. Auteur | 1986

Nursery. Hard cases. Treatment zones. Therapy decisions. Life and the quality of life. Human identity. Law and medicine. Medical costs. Medical practice. Communal rites. Languages of evaluation.

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