Health and medicine in the Catholic tradition : tradition in transition / Richard A. McCormick


McCormick, Richard A. (1922-....). Auteur

Edited by Crossroad - 1987

Introduction. "Ethical Guidelines for Catholic Health Care Institutions". Introduction ; Guidelines. Well-Being. Authority and Leadership ; A Christian Notion of Leadership ; The Depth of Well-Being ; An Interpretive Understanding of the Christian Moral Life ; The Relativizing Influence of the Love Command ; A Christian View of the Health Care Profession. Morality. The Source of Moral Problems ; The Means for Forming a Correct Conscience ; The Preconciliar Magisterium ; The Postconciliar Magisterium ; The Problem of Remaining Uncertainty and Doubt. Justice in Health Care. Sexuality. Saint Augustine ; Saint Thomas ; From Saint Thomas to Casti connubii ; Casti connubii ; Since Casti Connubii ; Vatican II and Beyond. Dignity, Passages, Madness, Suffering, Dying. The Dignity of the Sick and the Dying ; Prenatal Life ; The Newborn ; The Retarded ; "Ethical Guidelines for the Treatment of the Mentally Retarded" ; The Aged. Conclusion.

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