The English poems of George Herbert / edited by Helen Wilcox


Herbert, George (1593-1633). Auteur

Edited by Cambridge University Press - 2007

"George Herbert (1593-1633) is widely regarded as the greatest devotional poet in the English language. His volume of poems, The Temple, published posthumously in 1633, became one of the most widely read and influential collections of the seventeenth century. Almost 400 years after they were first published in Cambridge by the 'printers to the Universitie', Cambridge University Press is pleased to present the definitive scholarly edition of Herbert's complete English poems, accompanied by extensive explanatory and textual apparatus. The text is annotated with historical, literary and biblical information, as well as the modern critical contexts which now illuminate the poems. In addition to the introduction and notes, this edition includes a glossary of key words, an index of biblical quotations, and the authentic texts of Herbert's work." [Description de l'éditeur]

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