The semantics-pragmatics boundary in philosophy / edited by Maite Ezcurdia and Robert J. Stainton


Edited by Broadview Press. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Buffalo, New York - 2013

"The boundary between semantics and pragmatics has been important since the early twentieth century, but in the last twenty-five years it has become the central issue in the philosophy of language. This anthology collects classic philosophical papers on the topic, along with recent key contributions. It stresses not only the nature of the boundary, but also its importance for philosophy generally."--Publisher's description

"On referring" (1950) / Peter F. Strawson. "Performative utterances" (1956) / J. L. Austin. "Reference and definite descriptions" (1966) / Keith S. Donnellan. "Logic and conversation" (1967/1975) / H. Paul Grice. "Speaker's reference and semantic reference" (1977) / Saul Kripke. "Demonstratives" and "Afterthoughts" (1977/1989) / David Kaplan. "Assertion" (1978) / Robert C. Stalnaker. "Scorekeeping in a language game" (1979) / David Lewis. "Thought without representation" (1986) / John Perry. "Précis of relevance: communication and cognition" (1987) / Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. "Literal meaning" (1978) / John R. Searle. "Implicature, explicature, and truth-theoretic semantics" (1988) / Robyn Carston. "Conversational impliciture" (1994) / Kent Bach. "Context and logical form" (2000) / Jason Stanley. "Unarticulated constituents" (2002) / François Récanati. "Shorthand, syntactic ellipsis, and the pragmatic determinants of what is said" (2004) / Reinaldo Elugardo and Robert J. Stainton. "A tall tale: in defense of semantic minimalism and speech act pluralism" (2004) / Herman Cappelen and Ernie Lepore. "Minimalism versus contextualism in semantics" (2007) / Emma Borg. "What metaphors mean" (1978) / Donald Davidson. "Metaphor" (1979) / John R. Searle. "Metaphor and what is said" (2006) / Catherine Wearing.

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