Essays in postfoundationalist theology / J. Wentzel van Huyssteen


Van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel (19..-....). Auteur

Edited by W.B. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Mich. - 1997

"This collection of essays in philosophical theology boldly addresses many of the challenges faced by Christian theology in the context of contemporary postmodern thought. Through a series of profound discussions of theology in relation to epistemology, methodology, and science, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen presses the case for a "postfoundationalist theology" as a viable third option beyond the extremes of foundationalism and nonfoundationalism."--Jacket

Theology and epistemology. Is rational judgment always a responsible choice? : some reflections on theology and interdisciplinarity ; Critical realism and God : can there be faith after foundationalism? ; Truth and commitment in theology and science : an appraisal of Wolfhart Pannenberg's perspective ; Is the postmodernist always a postfoundationalist? : Nancey Murphy's Lakatosian model for theology ; The realist challenge in postmodern theology : religious experience in Jerome Stone's neo-naturalism. Theology and methodology. Systematic theology and philosophy of science : the need for methodological and theoretical clarity in theology ; The realism of the text : a perspective on biblical authority ; Experience and explanation : the justification of cognitive claims in theology ; Narrative theology : an adequate paradigm for theological reflection?. Theology and science. Evolution, knowledge, and faith : Gerd Theissen and the credibility of theology ; Theology and science : the quest for a new apologetics ; The shaping of rationality in science and religion ; Is there a postmodern challenge in theology and science?.

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