The foreign policy of the European Union : assessing Europe's role in the world / edited by Federiga Bindi


Bindi, Federiga M. (19..-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by Brookings Institution Press - 2022

"This new edition of The Foreign Policy of the European Union offers an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of that question. The globe-spanning contributions to the book include a look at relations between Brussels and its regional neighbors, including Russia; the tensions that have arisen with the United States during the Trump administration; and the burgeoning relationship with China. How the EU is dealing with issues such as migration, terrorism, trade, and security round out the volume"--

Foreword / Josep Borrell. Introduction: The Millefoglie foreign policy / Federiga Bindi. European Union foreign policy : a historical overview / Federiga Bindi. The new EU foreign policy under the Treaty of Lisbon / Nicola Verola. The EU's Security and Defense Policy a decade after Lisbon : raised expectations, but the same internal struggles / Stephanie Anderson. The European Union's foreign policy and the external dimension of migration / Francesca Longo. The European Union and counterterrorism / Gilles de Kerchove, Christiane Hohn. EU democracy promotion in times of crisis / Elena Baracani. The European Neighborhood Policy in a new geopolitical context / Tom Casier. The EU-Russia zigzag relationship / Serena Guisti, Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti. Drawing lessons from the EU's approach toward Ukraine / Serena Guisti, Tomislava Penkova. The Western Balkan enlargement of the European Union : a never ending journey? / Aleksander Lust. The Brussels Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo : a moment of success for Ashton / Sara Norrevik. Turkey's rise and elusive EU accession : the new Eastern Question / Gregory D. Nelson II. Brussels, this is Israel calling / Sharon Pardo. Transatlantic relations : the end of the European dream of independence / Federiga Bindi. EU-Canada relations : toward a comprehensive economic and trade agreement / Finn Laursen. Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean / Joaquin Roy. The European Union and Africa : from donor-recipient relations to partnership of equals? / Maurizio Carbone. EU-China relations : economic interdependence and vulnerabilities / Sara Norrevik. The European Union and Central Asia : dust in the wind? / Aleksander Lust --The EU and India : two unions and some misgivings / Come Carpentier de Gourdon. The EU's relationship with ASEAN : a strategic partnership in interregional relations / Laura Allison-Reuman, Philomena Murray. Big, but not yet important / Federiga Bindi.

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