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Les soins en pédiatrie : faire face au refus de l'enfant : repères éthiques...

Livre | Lombart, Bénédicte. Auteur | 2016

Biological nature and dignity of the human person : proceedings of the 17 W...

Livre | 1990

Contemporary Catholic health care ethics / David F. Kelly, Gerard Magill, H...

Livre | Kelly, David F.. Auteur | 2013

Religion and health care. The dignity of human life. The integrity of the human person. The implications for health care. Theological principles in health care ethics. The levels and questions of ethics. Freedom and the moral agen...

Can a health care market be moral? : a Catholic vision / Mary J. McDonough

Livre | McDonough, Mary J.. Auteur | 2007

"Drawing on Catholic social teachings from St. Augustine to Pope John Paul II, McDonough reviews health system successes and failures from around the world and assesses market approaches to health care as proposed by leading econo...

Le soin est une éthique : les enjeux du consentement ou du refus de soins e...

Livre | Broca, Alain de (1956-....). Auteur | 2014

Tout le semestre 4 & 5 en QCM / sous la direction de Kamel Abbadi

Livre | Abbadi, Kamel. Auteur. Directeur de publication | 2016

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