The art of successful brand collaborations : partnerships with artists, designers, museums, territories, sports, celebrities, science, good causes...and more / Géraldine Michel and Reine Willing


Michel, Géraldine (19..-....) - professeure en marketing et stratégie d'entreprise. Auteur | Willing, Reine. Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2020

"Brand collaborations are widely considered the art of the perfect match. This book is a guide to understanding the complex process of brand collaborations and explains the key factors of success to build this specific form of a partnership between businesses. The Art of Successful Brand Collaborations gives tangible examples of partnerships between various kinds of internationally renowned artists, celebrities, brands and companies such as Coca-Cola, Louis Vuitton, Puma, David Beckham, Pharrell Williams. In this vivid study, the academic and practitioner author team outline deep knowledge about the advantages and economic benefits of this marketing tool. This includes improvement of the brand image, development of the brand on new markets, attracting new customers within different target groups and obtainment of new market shares. Filled with interviews from practitioners and vital academic and professional insights, this book is an essential guide for brand managers, professors and students to better understand and implement the process of successful brand collaboration"--

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