Women's international thought : a new history / edited by Patricia Owens,... Katharina Rietzler,...


Owens, Patricia (1975-....). Directeur de publication | Rietzler, Katharina (19..-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by Cambridge University Press - 2021

La page de garde indique : "Women's International Thought: A New History is the first cross-disciplinary intellectual history of women's international thought. Written by some of the foremost historians and IR scholars working today, the book recovers and analyzes neglected thinkers. Anna Julia Cooper, Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, Eslanda Robeson, Elizabeth Lippincott McQueen, Amy Ashwood Garvey, Elizabeth Wiskemann, F. Melian Stawell, Helena Swanwick, Vera Brittain, Mary Agnes Hamilton, Emily Greene Balch, Merze Tate, Barbara Wootton, Vera Micheles Dean, and Krystyna Marek all thought deeply about the relations between peoples, nations, and states. Centering their thought, the book contributes to revisionist accounts of IR's intellectual and disciplinary history and expands the locations, genres, and practices of international thinking in the first half of the twentieth century. This systematic study of diverse women thinkers opens new vistas on international thought to scholars and advanced students of international history and theory, intellectual history and women's and gender studies."

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