On the new frontiers of genetics and religion / J. Robert Nelson


Nelson, John Robert (1920-2004). Auteur

Edited by W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co - 1994

Forword / C. Thomas Caskey. The Frontier of Genetics : From Mendel to Eugenics ; From Matson and Crick to Manipulating DNA ; The Human Genome Project. The Frontier of Religion : Early responses to genetic science : Ecumenical deliberations : The Human confrences on "Genetics, religion, and ethics. Genetic Advances in Medicine : basic strategies in resisting disorders. Diagnosis before birth : How is it done ; Who is helped ; Access and cost. Counseling : Theory of counseling ; When counseling goes wrong ; The Religious factor. Prevention and Treatment : An Ounce of prevention ... ; worth a half-pound of cure. Genome and Some Social Issues : Is the Human Genome Project beyond criticism?. Concerns of women : Ruth Ellen Bulger. Truth and consequences. A Danger of knowing too much? John S. Habgood. Concepts of Human Nature : Old questions, new evidence ; Human reflection of Divine Image ; Can we go beyond gene therapy to a changed nature?. Personal Religious Positions Individually Expressed : Judaism : Barry Freundel ; Fred D. Ledley. Roman Catholicism : Albert S. Moraczewski ; Kevin O'Rourke. Eastern Orthodoxy : Stanley S. HHarakas ; George J. Pazin. Protestanism : Roy J. Enquist (Lutheran) ; Gerald P. McKenny (Reformed). Islam : Hassan M. Harhout. Hinduism : George E.C. Sudarshan. Official Religious Positions : Ecumenical statements : World Council of Churches ; National Council of Churches of Christ. Denominational statments : Church of the Brethern ; Episcopal Church ; United Methodist and United Church of Christ. Analysis and critique of Church satments: Audrey R. Chapman. Prospects for a new consensus?. An Exercise in correlation.

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