International development and the social sciences : essays on the history and politics of knowledge / edited by Frederick Cooper and Randall Packard


Edited by University of California Press - 1997

Instruments and idioms of colonial and national development: India's historical experience in comparative perspective / Sugata Bose. Modernizing bureaucrats, backward Africans, and the development concept / Frederick Cooper. Visions of postwar health and development and their impact on public health interventions in the developing world / Randall Packard. Intellectual openings and policy closures: disequilibria in contemporary development economics / Michael R. Carter. Anthropology and its evil twin: "development" in the constitution of a discipline / James Ferguson. Population science, private foundations, and development aid: the transformation of demographic knowledge in the United States, 1945-1965 / John Sharpless. Redefining development at the World Bank / Martha Finnemore. Development ideas in Latin America: paradigm shift and the economic commission for Latin America / Kathryn Sikkink. "Found in most traditional societies": traditional medical practitioners between culture and development / Stacy Leigh Pigg. Senegalese development: from mass mobilization to technocratic elitism / Mamadou Diouf. Agrarian populism in the development of a modern nation (India) / Akhil Gupta.

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