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Why nations fail : the origins of power, prosperity and poverty / Daron Ace...

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"Shortlisted for the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2012.Why are some nations more prosperous than others? Why Nations Fail sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argue...

Modern industrial organization / Dennis W. Carlton, Jeffrey M. Perloff

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Modern industrial organization : selected chapters from : modern industrial...

Livre | Carlton, Dennis William (1951-....). Auteur | 2014

Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational ...

Livre | Tidd, Joseph (1960-....). Auteur | 2001 - 2nd ed.

Économie des coûts de transaction / Stéphane Saussier, Anne Yvrande-Billon

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Pourquoi certains accords contractuels sont-ils plus conflictuels que d'autres ? Pourquoi certaines entreprises externalisent-elles une partie de leur production ? Les partenariats public-privé sont-ils un moyen efficace d'organis...

Introduction to industrial organization / Luís M. B. Cabral

Livre | Cabral, Luís M. B. (19..-....). Auteur | 2000

La 4e de couv. indique : "Over the past twenty years, the study of industrial organization--the analysis of imperfectly competitive markets--has grown from a niche area of microeconomics to a key component of economics and of rela...

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