Philosophy and sex : adultery, monogamy, feminism, rape, same-sex marriage, abortion, promiscuity, perversion / edited by Robert B. Baker and Kathleen J. Wininger


Edited by Prometheus Books - 2009

Love, marriage and reproduction. Love : a feminist critique / Shulamith Firestone. Love and feminism / Robert C. Solomon. Sexual lust and original sin / Augustine. Of the reason for which simple fornication is a sin by divine law / Thomas Aquinas. Humanae vitae / Pope Paul VI. A defense of abortion / Judith Jarvis Thomson. Comparing the output cutoff argument with Thomson's argument / Frances Myrna Kamm. On spinsters / Kathleen J. Wininger. Marital faithfulness / Susan Mendus. Is adultery immoral? / Richard Wasserstrom. Adultery and fidelity / Martin W. Martin. Apartheid and homophobia : both crimes against humanity / Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Same-sex marriage in South Africa : the constitutional court's judgment / Beth Goldblatt. Moral reasoning in judicial decisions on same-sex marriage / Alicia Ouellette. Is it wrong to discriminate on the basis of homosexuality? / Jeff Jordan. Rawls's principle of justice as fairness and its application to the issue of same-sex marriage / John Scott Gray. Gender, sexuality, and perversion. "Pricks" and "chicks" : a plea for "persons" / Robert B. Baker. Linquistic sexes and genders / Luce Irigaray. Where is she in language? / Hélène Cixous. Sexual perversion / Thomas Nagel. Sexual use and what to do about it : internalist and externalist sexual ethics / Alan Soble. Why homosexuality is abnormal / Michael Levin. An essay on "paederasty" / Jeremy Bentham. The biomedical gaze : how medical models affect social concepts of the life cycle / Robert B. Baker. Taking responsibility for sexuality / Joyce Trebilcot. Culture and women's sexualities / Evelyn Blackwood. The five sexes : why male and female are not enough / Anne Fausto-Sterling. A history of intersex : from the age of gonads to the age of consent / Alice Domurat Dreger. Pediatric ethics and the surgical assignment of sex / Kenneth Kipnis and Milton Diamond. The international bill of gender rights. To cut or not to cut / Kathleen J. Wininger. Desire, pornography, and rape. Patriarchal sex / Robert Jensen. Queerness, disability, and The vagina monologues / Kim Q. Hall. Abusive images belittle women, men, and sex / Robert Jensen. Surviving sexual violence : a philosophical perspective / Susan J. Brison. Men in groups : collective responsibility for rape / Larry May and Robert Strikwerda. Is there a history of sexuality? / David M. Halperin.

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