The gods of Mount Ṣ̣apānu : deity groups in the Ugaritic alphabetic texts / par Aicha Rahmouni


Rahmouni, Aïcha. Auteur

Edited by Peeters - 2023

"The Gods of Mount Sapanu. Deity Groups in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts comprises a philological and historical-cultural study of the epithets and appellations of the forty deity groups and demonic beings appearing in the alphabetic cuneiform texts from Ras Shamra and Ras Ibn Hani. This volume shows that the deity groups occupied an important place in the Ugaritic religious spectrum and were pivotal for the worshiper, despite the dominance, authority and reputed supremacy of certain individual deities. Particular attention has been paid to parallel appellations and epithets in the cognate Semitic languages, including Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew and Classical Arabic"

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