The strategy of conflict / Thomas C. Schelling.


Schelling, Thomas C. (1921-2016)

Edited by Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass., London - 1980

Analyzes the nature of international disagreements and conflict resolution in terms of game theory and non-zero-sum games.

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Du même auteur

The strategy of conflict / Thomas C. Schelling

Livre | Schelling, Thomas C. (1921-2016). Auteur | 1960

Les macroeffets de nos microdécisions / Thomas C. Schelling

Livre | Schelling, Thomas C. (1921-2016). Auteur | 2007

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Comparative politics / edited by Daniele Caramani.

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Liberal beginnings : making a republic for the moderns / Ira I. Katznelson,...

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International relations theories : discipline and diversity / edited by Tim...

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Théorie de la justice / John Rawls

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Introduction à la science politique : objets, méthodes, résultats / Yves Sc...

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