Hidden geopolitics : governance in a globalized world / John Agnew,...


Agnew, John A. (1949-....). Auteur

Edited by Rowman & Littlefield - 2023

"Hidden Geopolitics recaptures the term to explore how the geography of power works both globally and nationally to structure and govern the workings of the global political economy." (éd.)
Geopolitics is not dead, but neither does it involve the same old logic of a world determined by physical geography in a competition between Great Powers. Hidden Geopolitics recaptures the term to explore how the geography of power works both globally and nationally to structure and govern the workings of the global political economy. Agnew shows how globalization is tightly wound up in the assumptions and practices of geopolitics, relating to the scope of regulatory authority, state sponsorship, and the political power of buisnesses to operate worldwide.

Introduction. Part I: Hidden geopolitics : 1. Geopolitics in a globalized world. 2. Beyond territorial geopolitics. 3. Making the strange familiar. Part II: Geopolitics of globalization : 4. The asymmetric border: the US place in the world and the refugee panic of 2018. 5. Putting China in the world. Part III: Geopolitics of development : 6. Territorial politics after the financial crisis. 7. Anti-federalist federalism. Parrt IV: Geopolitics of global regulation : 8. Global regulation. 9. Managing the Eurozone crisis. Part V: Hidden no more ? : 10. Conclusion.

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