The ethics of artificial intelligence : principles, challenges, and opportunities / Luciano Floridi.


Floridi, Luciano (1964-....)

'The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence' develops the theses that AI is an unprecedented divorce between agency and intelligence and, on this basis, that AI as a new form of agency can be harnessed ethically and unethically. Luciano Floridi argues in favour of a marriage between the Green of environmentalism and the Blue of our digital technologies.

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The ethics of artificial intelligence : principles, challenges, and opportu...

Livre | Floridi, Luciano (1964-....). Auteur | 2023

"The book has two goals. The first goal is meta-theoretical and is fulfilled by Part One, which comprises the first three chapters: an interpretation of the past (Chapter 1), the present (Chapter 2), and the future of AI (Chapter ...

L'éthique de l'intelligence artificielle : Principes, défis et opportunités...

Livre | Floridi, Luciano (1964-....) | 2023

Education, commerce, industrie, voyages, loisirs, santé, politique, relations sociales... la vie semble devenue inconcevable sans les technologies, les services et les produitsnumériques. Cette transformation de notre époque indui...

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La 4ème de couverture indique : "Cet ouvrage vous propose des révisions à la carte grâce à 3 supports à moduler entre eux en fonction de vos besoins : - 124 fiches de révision proposent une synthèse linéaire des cours de semestre ...

Pilly étudiant 2023 : maladies infectieuses & tropicales / ouvrage du Collè...

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