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Of prophets' visions and the wisdom of sages : essays in honour of R. Norman Whybray on his seventieth birthday / edited by Heather A. McKay and David J.A. Clines
Edited by JSOT Press. Sheffield, Eng. - 1993
R. Norman Whybray : a biographical sketch / Michael A. Knibb. Publications of R. Norman Whybray. Prophecy and society in Israel / Andrew D.H. Mayes. Prophets, priests, diviners and sages in ancient Israel / Lester L. Grabbe. From Mari to Moses : prophecy at Mari and in ancient Israel / Robert P. Gordon. Prophecy--true and false / Richard J. Coggins. First and last in Isaiah / Hugh G.M. Williamson. Mother Zion, father servant : a reading of Isaiah 49-55 / Knud Jeppesen. Knowledge, humiliation or suffering : a lexical, textual and exegetical problem in Isaiah 53 / Anthony Gelston. Metacommentating Amos / David J.A. Clines. Wisdom literature : retrospect and prospect / James L. Crenshaw. Memory and encounter : an educational ideal / John Eaton.
Some observations on the figurations of woman in wisdom literature / Athalya Brenner. The good neighbour in the Book of Proverbs / Ronald E. Clements. Psalm 37 : conflict of interpretation / Walter Brueggemann --Intertextuality : allusion and vertical context systems in some Job passages / Tryggve N.D. Mettinger. Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) / J. Alberto Soggin --Les milieux du Deutéronome / Henri Cazelles. Ruth : a homily on Deuteronomy 22-25? / Michael D. Goulder.
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