The Chronicler as Historian / M. Patrick Graham


Graham, Matt Patrick (1950-). Auteur | Hoglund, Kenneth G.. Auteur | McKenzie, Steven L. (1953-....). Auteur

Edited by Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield GB - 1997

Introduction / M. Patrick Graham, Kenneth G. Hoglund, Steven L. McKenzie. Raymond B. Dillard, 1944-1993 : in memoriam / Tremper Longman III and Alan Groves. The chronicler as historian : a comparativist perspective / Kenneth G. Hoglund. The chronicler and his sources : historical and geographical / Anson F. Rainey. Was the chronicler a historian? / Isaac Kalimi. 1 Chronicles 1-9 and the reconstruction of the history of Israel : thoughts on the use of genealogical data in Chronicles in the reconstruction of the history of Israel / Roddy L. Braun. Non-synoptic chronological references in the Books of Chronicles / William H. Barnes. The chronicler as historian : building texts / Ehud Ben Zvi. The fight for peace : narrative and history in the battle accounts in Chronicles / John W. Wright. History and historiography : the royal reforms / Gary N. Knoppers. Prophets and prophecy in the Books of Chronicles / William M. Schniedewind. The chronicler's speeches and historical reconstruction / Mark A. Throntveit. 'You can't pray a lie' : truth and fiction in the prayers of Chronicles / Samuel E. Balentine. How ma ny in a thousand? / Ralph W. Klein --The chronicler's account of Solomon's Temple-building : a continuity theme / John Van Seters. Joash of Judah according to Josephus / Christopher T. Begg.

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