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From law to prophecy : Ezekiel's use of the holiness code / Michael A. Lyons
Edited by T & T Clark. New York - 2009
H and its relation to Ezekiel. The contents of Leviticus 17-26. Leviticus 17-26 as a discrete unit. Theories of the composition of Leviticus 17-26. Leviticus 17-26 is an independent legal corpus added to P. Leviticus 17-26 is a series of redactional layers in P. Leviticus 17-26 is the product of the composer of Leviticus. H is a late supplement to P. Dating the holiness code. The direction of literary dependence. Did Ezekiel the prophet write the holiness code?. Did the author of H use Ezekiel?. Did H and Ezekiel share a common source?. Did the compositions H and Ezekiel influence each other?. Did Ezekiel the prophet use the holiness code?. Tools for evaluating textual dependence. Terminology and task. Intertextuality. Influence. Allusion. Quotation. Criteria for determining directionality. Modification. Incongruity. Conceptual dependence. Interpretive expansion. Other criteria. Criteria for determining purposeful use. Frequency and distribution of locutions. Awareness of context. Availability of options. Interaction with the source text. The process by which Ezekiel shaped the material. Selection. Presentation. Modification. Reasons for modification. Interpretation. Integration into a new context. Disagreement. Techniques of modification. Modification of word order. Creation of word pairs. Splitting and recombination into parallel lines. Creation of word clusters. Combination and conflation. Wordplay. Reversals. The rhetoric of Ezekiel's use of the holiness code. Appeal to authority. How Ezekiel uses the holiness code in his arguments. Accusation. Judgment. Hope. Instruction. The nations as witnesses. The use of H in expansions of the book. Ezekiel's use of H as a response to the exile. The exilic background of Ezekiel and his book. From problem to solution. Recent study of Ezekiel and the exile.
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