Against European integration : the European Union and its discontents / Ivan T. Berend


Berend, Tibor Iván (1930-....). Auteur

Edited by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group - 2019

La 4e de couverture indique : "This book gives a complex description and discussion of today's populist attacks against the European Union following the financial crisis of 2008, which opened the floodgates of dissatisfaction and the migration crisis which destabilized the traditional solidarity basis of the EU. The problem of Brexit is also explored. Each chapter presents one of the main elements of the crisis of the EU. These include West European populism, Central European right-wing populism in power, the exploitation of the EU's mistake during the migration crisis of the mid-2010s; the discovery of Christian ideology against immigration and hidden anti-Semitic propaganda using a hysteric attack against the liberal billionaire philanthropic George Soros, and Brexit. There is a detailed discussion of the failures of the EU to pacify the neighbourhood in the South and North, especially in the Ukraine and the rising hostile outside enemies of the EU including Russia and Turkey, bad relationships with Trump's America, the uncertainty of the NATO alliance and the emergence of a new rival China, that enters into the Central European edge of the EU. The author explores strategies for coping with, and emerging from, this existential crisis and ends with the alternative plans and possibilities for the future of the Eurozone. This will be an invaluable resource for understanding the crisis of the EU, one of the central questions of contemporary international politics for undergraduate, graduate students and readers interested in the discussion surrounding an endangered European integration and difficult world politics"

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