Understanding cross-cultural management / Marie-Joëlle Browaeys and Roger Price


Browaeys, Marie-Joëlle. Auteur

Edited by Financial Times / Prentice Hall. Harlow (England), London, New York [etc.] - 2011

Managing effectively across national and cultural boundaries is critical to the success of today’s organizations, given the global environment of business and increasing diversity of workforces. A keen awareness and a high degree of cross-cultural competence in management are therefore key to the career success of both present and aspiring managers/professionals. The book explores the key themes and issues in one of the most challenging and fascinating areas of organizational life, and enables you to sharpen your insights and practical skills. It offers a selective but broad view of classic and contemporary thinking on cultural management and encourages you to apply theories and ideas to practice - and to relate them to your own experience - through various examples and cases from the business world, and a range of practical activities.

Part one: culture and management. Part two: culture and organisations. Part three: culture and communication.

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