The inclusive organization : real solutions, impactful change, and meaningful diversity / Netta Jenkins


Jenkins, Netta. Auteur

Edited by Wiley - 2023

"DEI is an 8-billion dollar industry that is not yet accessing its full potential through real solutions and results. However, through a powerful formula of policies and practices that motivate employees to be more socially and self-aware, The Inclusive Organization provides a revolutionary yet practical resource for individuals at any stage of their career. Employees across all levels and organizations are looking to drive actionable impact, but unfortunately lack the knowledge and support in doing so. This book will help any organization improve their DEI initiatives and create the sustainable and scalable change employees want to see within their workplace. Readers will be able to utilize worksheet examples and toolkits out of this book to build their own customized DEI roadmap. The Inclusive Organization is a must-read for any workplace committed to real and lasting change."--

Decoding human behavior. Who let the dogs out?. Franchising the framework. The most underrated leader. Sustainable learning : upgrading your learning and development--MapQuest directions ot Google Maps. Are your policies powerful or powerless?. Diversity recruiting. Employee resource strategy groups. Impactful layoffs. Don't retire yet.

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