The Christian virtues in medical practice / Edmund D. Pellegrino, David C. Thomasma


Pellegrino, Edmund D. (1920-2013). Auteur | Thomasma, David C. (1939-....). Auteur

Edited by Georgetown University Press - 1996

Introduction: Being a Christian Physician: Does it Make a Difference?. 1. Virtue-Based Ethics: Natural and Theological. 2. Christian Virtue Ethics. 3. The Virtue of Faith. 4. Hope and Healing. 5. Charity: The Ordering Principle of Christian Ethics. 6. Charity in Action: Compassion and Caring. 7. Prudential Judgment and Religious Commitment. 8. The Christian Virtues and Autonomy, Beneficence, and Justice. 9. The Christian Personalist Physician.

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