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The modern law of contract / Richard Stone and James Devenney

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Le Royaume-Uni : un pays en crises ? / Clémence Fourton

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Le Royaume-Uni des dernières décennies est indissociable des crises multiples qu'il a et continue à affronter, et qui trouvent leur expression ultime dans le Brexit. Crise économique et aggravation des inégalités sociales, nationa...

Coma / Zara Slattery

Livre | Slattery, Zara (1971?-....). Auteur. Illustrateur | 2021

"In May 2013 Zara Slattery’s persistent sore throat turned into a deadly bacterial infection, after the paracetamol and ice pack prescribed by her GP failed to work. The world of Zara’s 15-day drug-induced coma, which she describe...

À la recherche du conservatisme britannique : historiographie, britannicité...

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Public Law / John Stanton, Craig Prescott

Livre | Stanton, John. Auteur | 2018

With its fresh, modern approach and unique combination of practical application and theoretically critical discussion, Public Law guides students to a clear understanding of not only the fundamental principles of the subject, but ...

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