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Leadership is half the story : a fresh look at followership, leadership, and collaboration / Marc Hurwitz and Samantha Hurwitz
Edited by University of Toronto Press - 2017
La quatrième de couverture indique : "Leadership is Half the Story introduces the first model to seamlessly integrate leadership, followership, and partnerships. This research-backed, field-tested book contributes many new ideas and practical advice for everyone in an organization--from CEO to HR director to front-line manager to consultant. All of us lead, not just those with the formal title. All of us follow, not just front-line staff. In great collaborations, one moment we are leading and then we flip to following; in other words, the relationship between leadership and followership is dynamic, context-specific, and ever-evolving. This empowering perspective opens up leadership to everyone, normalizes followership, and enables more productive and innovative collaborations. Candid discussions about both roles allow for better coaching, mentoring, skill development, and interpersonal agility, and result in stronger teams.".
Chapter 1. Why 21st-century Workplaces Require a Radically Different Approach ... and a Radically Different Approach. Work Is Done in Teams. From Flow to Co-flow. Continuous Relationship Building. Interpersonal Agility Is the Essential Workplace Competency. Introducing the Generative Partnership® Model. Chapter 2. A Fresh Look at the F-Word : Followership. Chapter 3. A New Kind of Leadership. Section II : Guiding Principles. Chapter 4. Principle 1 : Partnerships Need Leadership and Followership. They Are Equal, Dynamic, and Different. Chapter 5. Principle 2 : Leadership Is Setting the Frame. Followership Is Creating Within It. Chapter 6. Principle 3 : Lean In to Build Connection. Chapter 7. Principle 4 : Value the Positive, and Build on It. Chapter 8. Principle 5 : Have Deeply Shared Goals. Section III : Skills. Chapter 9. Decision Partnering Skills. Kirk vs. Spock : Whom Would You Entrust with Your Decisions?. Decision Framing : The Leadership Role. Decision Advocating : The Followership Role. Chapter 10. Relationship Partnering Skills. Relationship Checkmate and How to Avoid a Stalemate. Relationship Framing : The Leadership Role. Relationship Building : The Followership Role. Chapter 11. Organizational Agility Partnering Skills. Don't Be a Sea Squirt and Eat Your Brain!. Organizational Mentoring : The Leadership Role. Organizational Agility : The Followership Role. Chapter 12. Communication Partnering Skills. Four-Way Communications, Barriers, Biases, and Blunders. Cascade Communicating : The Leadership Role. Dashboard Communicating : The Followership Role. Chapter 13. Performance Partnering Skills. Honk if You Like My Driving!. The Commitment and Engagement Agreement. The DNA of Performance. Performance Coaching : The Leadership Role. Peak Performing : The Followership Role. Chapter 14. Personal, Team, and Organizational Development. Personal Development. Team Development. Organizational Development.