Corporate governance : a global perspective / Marc Goergen


Goergen, Marc (1968-....). Auteur

Edited by Cengage Learning - 2018

La quatrième de couverture indique : "Corporate Governance: A Global Perspective provides a comprehensive introduction to corporate governance theory and practice. Covering topics such as ownership and control, boards of directors and emerging markets, this text highlights the multidisciplinary nature of corporate governance and demonstrates that there is much more to it than compliance with codes of best practice. This edition covers important issues relating to the design of capitalist systems, discussing how emerging economies such as China escaped the Financial Crisis unscathed and exploring the impact of immigration and rising inequality."

1. Defining corporate governance and key theoretical models. 2. Corporate control across the world. 3. Control versus ownership rights. 4. Taxonomies of corporate governance systems. 5. Corporate governance, types of financial systems and economic growth. 6. Corporate governance regulation in an international context. 7. Boards of directors. 8. Incentivising managers and the disciplining of badly performing managers. 9. Corporate governance in emerging markets. 10. Contractual corporate governance. 11. Corporate governance in initial public offerings. 12. Behavioural biases and corporate governance. 13. Corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment. 14. Debtholders. 15. Employee rights and voice across corporate governance systems. 16. The role of gatekeepers in corporate governance. 17. Learning from diversity and future challenges for corporate governance.

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