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Industrial organization : competition, strategy, policy / John Lipczynski, ...

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Introduction to industrial organization / Luís M. B. Cabral

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La 4e de couv. indique : "Over the past twenty years, the study of industrial organization--the analysis of imperfectly competitive markets--has grown from a niche area of microeconomics to a key component of economics and of rela...

Industrial organization : competition, strategy, policy / John Lipczynski, ...

Livre | Lipczynski, John. Auteur | 2009 - Third edition

Introduction to industrial organization / Luís M. B. Cabral

Livre | Cabral, Luís M. B. (19..-....). Auteur | 2017 - Seconde édition

The study of industrial organization (IO)—the analysis of the way firms compete with one another—has become a key component of economics and of such related disciplines as finance, strategy, and marketing. This book provides an is...

An introduction to industrial economics / P.J. Devine, N. Lee, R.M. Jones, ...

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Mini manuel d'économie industrielle : cours + exos / Henri-Louis Védie,...

Livre | Védie, Henri-Louis (19..-....). Auteur | 2012

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