Diversity in the workplace : multi-disciplinary and international perspectives / edited by Stefan Gröschl,...


Edited by Gower. Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, VT - 2011

Diversity in the Workplace responds to the increasing social and political debate and interest in diversity throughout Europe. The contributors discuss the concept of diversity in different social and legal contexts and from the perspectives of different academic disciplines including sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy and organizational theory. The book includes a European view and the makings of a conceptual framework to literature on diversity that hitherto has tended to be US orientated and overwhelmingly practice focused. It will stimulate fruitful exchanges of ideas about different approaches to the challenges faced by businesses and organisations of all kinds.

Introduction / by Stefan Gröschl. Integrating diversity : identities replayed / by Laurent Bibard. The dubious power of diversity management / by Yvonne Benschop. Diversity : a strategic issue? / by Karsten Jonsen, Susan C. Schneider, Martha L. Maznevski. Diversity management at business schools and universities : how do we change / by Esben Rahbek Pedersen, Gonzalo Sanchez Gardey, and Simon Tywuschik. Multicultural identities and culture work / by Junko Takagi. Globalisation : on being different / by Susan C. Schneider. Diversity management in Denmark : evolutions from 2002 to 2009 / by Eva Boxenbaum, Monica Gjuvsland, and Clarissa Eva Leon. The value of investigating stakeholder involvement in diversity management / by Anne-marie Greene and Gill Kirton. The gendered intersectional corporation and diversity management / by Jeff Hearn and Jonna Louvrier. Diversity management between "myth and ceremony" and strategic economic rationale : theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence from Germany / by Inez Labucay. The dark side of the rainbow : a research model of occupational stress and lesbian, gay. and bisexuals (LGBs) in the workplace / by Marilyn G. Davidson. Ethnic and religious diversity in the Balkan area / by Cedomir Nestorovic.

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