Should the baby live? : the problem of handicapped infants / Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer


Kuhse, Helga (19..-....). Auteur | Singer, Peter (1946-....). Auteur

Edited by Oxford University Press - 1985

Few subjects have generated so many newspaper headlines and such heated controversy in recent years as the treatment or non-treatment, of handicapped newborns. This book is a philosophical analysis of the subject, but accessibly written and rooted in practicalities and case studies throughout. The authors examine the doctrine of the absolute sanctity of human life; look at some actual examples where decisions have been made one way or the other; consider criteria for deciding when life is worthwhile; investigate the differences between killing and letting die; compare Western attitudes and practices with those of other cultures; and make proposals for a decision-making framework. --Source éditeur

Two babies. Is all human life of equal worth?. Deciding when life is worthwhile : the treatment of spina bifida. Killing and letting die. Infanticide : a broader perspective. What's wrong with the sanctity of life doctrine?. In whose interests?. Who decides?.

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