Research handbook on start-up incubation ecosystems / edited by Adam Novotny, Einar Rasmussen, Tommy H. Clausen,...[et al.]


Novotny, Adam. Directeur de publication | Clausen, Tommy H.. Directeur de publication | Rasmussen, Einar. Directeur de publication

Edited by Edward Elgar Publishing - 2020

La 4ème de couv. indique : "This insightful and comprehensive Research Handbook explores the concept of start-up incubation ecosystems and investigates the various factors that interact to provide a nurturing environment suitable for the creation and successful development of start-ups. Chapters employ a range of approaches for the study of incubation ecosystems, including literature reviews, theoretical studies, and empirical research featuring both quantitative and qualitative methods. An international team of authors analyzes data from a diverse range of countries to cover topics including: multi-level approaches to incubation ecosystems; start-up support mechanisms such as incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces; and the role of organizations involved in incubation ecosystems such as universities, government agencies and multinational companies. The Research Handbook thus illustrates the critical part played by the early development of start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Scholars and doctoral students working in entrepreneurship and innovation will find this Research Handbook invaluable to their understanding of start-up incubation ecosystems and in illuminating future research agendas. It will also prove useful to practitioners and policymakers working with start-ups and organizations that support them."

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