Financial accounting / Walter Harrison, Themin Suwardy, Wendy Tietz, Charles Horngren, C. Thomas.


Harrison, Walter T. - Jr.

With student-friendly examples and streamlined chapters, this edition delivers a student-centric approach to learning financial accounting. Time-tested resources like the Turnkey Case Resources, help students grasp the practical concepts of accounting, so that they can put them into practice in their future business careers.

Conceptual Framework and The Financial Statements Recording Business Transactions Accrual Accounting Presentation of Financial Statements Internal Control, Cash, and Receivables Inventory and Merchandising Operations PPE and Intangibles Investments Liabilities Shareholders' Equity Cash Flows Financial Statement Analysis Appendix A: Nestl Annual Report Excerpts Appendix B: Time Value of Money Appendix C: Typical Charts of Accounts for Different Types of Businesses Appendix D: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

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