The SAGE handbook of marketing ethics / edited by Lynne Eagel, Stephan Dahl, Patrick De Pelsmacker and Charles R. Taylor


Eagle, Lynne. Éditeur scientifique | Dahl, Stephan. Éditeur scientifique | De Pelsmacker, Patrick (1957-....). Éditeur scientifique | Taylor, Charles R. (1961-....). Éditeur scientifique

Edited by SAGE Publications - 2021

The SAGE Handbook of Marketing Ethics draws together an exhaustive overview of research into marketing's many ethical conundrums, while also promoting more optimistic perspectives on the ways in which ethics underpins organizational practices. Marketing ethics has emerged in recent years as the key and collective concern within the ever-divergent fields of marketing and consumer research. This handbook brings together a rich and diverse body of scholarly research, with chapters on all major topics relevant to the field of marketing ethics, whilst also outlining future research directions.

Part I. Foundations of marketing ethics. Part II. Theoretical and research approaches to marketing ethics. Part III. Marketing ethics and social issues. Part IV. Issues in consumer ethics. Part V. Ethical issues in specific sectors. Part VI. Ethical issues in the marketing mix. Part VII. Concluding comments and reflections.

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