The changing landscape of food governance : public and private encounters / edited by Tetty Havinga,...Frans van Waarden,...Donal Casey,...


Edited by Edward Elgar Publishing - 2015

This book examines the changing landscape of food governance. Within this landscape, both public and private regulators increasingly encounter one another as markets have become more globalized. While these encounters may often be planned, long-term and lead to positive relationships and outcomes, they can also be accidental collisions that result in antagonistic relationships and crisis. Empirically, this book investigates these public and private encounters in food governance and the institutional challenges they raise. Importantly, it also explores the public policy responses to these issues at the national, supranational and transnational levels, and investigates new forms of private food regulation. Against this empirical backdrop, the contributors provide insights into broader analytical issues that have animated regulatory governance scholarship such as the legitimacy and effectiveness of public and private regulation, the distribution of power in regulatory arrangements, the interaction of layers and networks of regulation and regulatory responses to crisis. This comprehensive book will be of great value to those interested in gaining an interdisciplinary understanding of the empirical area of food governance and the analytical issues of regulatory governance

pt. I. Introduction. pt. II. Public policy responses to food safety challenges. pt. III. New forms of private food governance. pt. IV. How public and private regulation meet.

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