Essentials of marketing / Jane Martin,... Jim Blythe,...


Martin, Jane. Auteur | Blythe, Jim (1951-....). Auteur

Edited by Pearson Education Limited - 2023

Essentials of Marketing, 8th edition, by Martin and Blythe, provides an accessible, lively, and engaging introduction to marketing. It employs a practical approach to explain traditional marketing techniques and theories, as well as offers the most up-to-date critical perspectives on contemporary themes and concepts in marketing. Using latest case studies, in-chapter global examples and activities based on real-life issues and contexts, the text provides everything an undergraduate or postgraduate student needs to excel in their discipline. It also serves as an essential guide to new marketers setting off on their marketing career. This new edition covers recent global developments such as the Covid-19 pandemic, ethics, sustainability, augmented reality, digital marketing and social media developments. The critical thinking sections encourage you to think more deeply about marketing issues contained within the text. The book is further complemented by a full range of online resources, including a companion website to support your learning.

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